Find your employer of record in Chile

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Chile - EOR World Wide



Chilean Peso (CLP)




Payroll Frequency


0 to 4.39

Employer Tax

With 2 clicks, start your journey to Hire a contractor or remote employees in Chile without a entity set up.

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Date Format

Fiscal Year



Chilean Peso (CLP)


January 1st-December 31st

0 / 5 Star (0 Reviews)

Chile famous place - EOR World Wide

Find your employer of record in Chile



Chilean Peso (CLP)




Payroll Frequency


0 to 4.39

Employer Tax




Date Format

Fiscal Year



Chilean Peso (CLP)


January 1st-December 31st

0 / 5 Star (0 Reviews)


With 2 clicks, start your journey to Hire a contractor or remote employees in Chile without a entity set up.

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Chilean Peso (CLP)








0 to 4.39



The 13th Salary in this region is usual and typically given at the end of the year.

Employee and employeer taxation in Chile


Company Payroll Contributions

0% - 2.40%


0% - 1.99%

Disability and Survival Insurance (SIS)

0% - 4.39%

Total Employment Cost


Employee Payroll Contributions

0%- 10%


0%- 0.60%

Unemployment Insurance

0%- 7%

Health Plan

0% - 17.6%

Total Employee Cost

Employee Income Tax in Chile

Employee Income Taxes

*1 Monthly Tax Unit = approximately 51,500 CLP


Up to 13.5 Monthly Tax Units


13.5 – 30 Monthly Tax Units


30 – 50 Monthly Tax Units


50 – 70 Monthly Tax Units


70 – 90 Monthly Tax Units


90 – 120 Monthly taxes units


120 – 310 Monthly taxes units


310 + Monthly Tax Units

Chile famous place - EOR World Wide
Chile famous place - EOR World Wide
Minimum Wage in Chile

Employers of record in Chile will make you comply with the minimum wage payment. In this case, it is 350,000 CLP for workers between 18 and 65 years of age. For workers under 18 and over 65, the minimum wage is 261,092 CLP.

$372 Minimum Wage per month

Chile famous place - EOR World Wide

Payroll Contributions in Chile

Payroll Cycle

Outsource your company payroll to effectively meet the monthly cycle.

13th Salary

In Chile, there is no law regarding the salary for the 13th month.

Employee Benefit in Chile

In Chile, there are other subsidies such as home office, private health insurance/allowance, and food subsidy (Colación). However, this benefit depends on the position or the industry.

Visa and work permit in Chile

Through the contractor management services, you can obtain a work visa, since you do not need a visa to enter the country. In addition, there are two types of visas for foreigners:

  • Visa subject to contract. This visa is for those people who have received an employment contract before entering the country. Additionally, said visa is valid for 2 years and can be renewed for the same period. Then, the employee can apply for permanent residence to continue working in Chile. However, this process takes 20-30 days to complete, but you must apply 30-60 days before your arrival. Likewise, the contracting company must be legally constituted in Chile and demonstrate that such contracting will help the country. Also, have paid VAT and employee insurance during the previous 3 months.
  • Work and vacation visa. People between the ages of 18 and 35 from some countries can apply for a visa to work in Chile for 1 year. Thus, these countries are Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Germany, Canada, Australia, the Czech Republic, and New Zealand. However, this visa is not renewable.

VAT in Chile

This tax has a standard rate of 19%.

Working Hours in Chile

With the EOR in Chile, you will know all the information on working hours, which are 45 per week. In addition, the employer may extend such hours to no more than 2 hours per day or 10 hours per week. However, the Chilean Labor Code recommends daily breaks, including a meal at noon.

There is also a weekly rest period on Sundays or public holidays. However, jobs such as public commerce, technical support, or entertainment, have different days off.


Payroll Outsourcing in Chile allows you to make overtime payments that consist of 150% of the regular salary.

Working Week


Employee Termination in Chile
Termination Process

The Professional Employer Organization assists you in terminating employees, as it depends on the cause. Thus, for the termination, the law establishes the following valid reasons:

  • Termination of a contract, resignation, or mutual agreement
  • Breach of contract, for which the employer must provide proof
  • Reorganization or business needs. This is the most common reason for the dismissal of an employee.

In case of termination by the employer, it must notify the employee through a letter. In addition, it must include the cause, the effective date of the termination, and the employee's signature. Also, this letter can be sent by the employer to the employee through certified mail.

In the same way, the employer must send the same letter to the Chilean Ministry of Labor. However, it is common for the employee to receive the notice on the last day of work.

Through the assistance of the Employer of Record in Chile, you can prepare a dismissal agreement, with the cause and the amount of payment. In the same way, both parties must sign the said agreement within 10 days of termination.

Also, when there is a mutual agreement for termination, there must be a document acknowledging such circumstances. The termination agreement must be signed within the first 1-2 weeks after termination.

Notice Period

Although the legal notice period is 1 month, it is common for this period to be changed for an equivalent payment.

Severance Pay

Chilean employees who have completed at least one year of service are entitled to receive severance pay. In this case, if the employee has worked between 1 and 11 years, he is entitled to receive 1 month of salary for each year. Likewise, after 1 year of service, if the employee has worked at least half of the following year, they receive an additional month of pay.

Probation Period

The trial period is 12 months.

Employee Leaves in Chile
Paid Time Offs

Hire the services of an Employer of Record in Chile to optimize vacation pay for employees with a minimum year of service. In this case, the permit consists of 15 business days.

Chile famous place - find your EOR
Public Holidays

There are 16 national holidays throughout the year.

Vacation Holidays

There are 15 vacation holidays throughout the year.

Sick Days

Employees in Chile are entitled to receive sick leave upon presentation of a medical certificate. In addition, they must do so within 48 hours after the onset of the disease. Next, the employer must send the said certificate to the health insurance within 3 days of receiving it.

With payroll outsourcing, you can make the payment in the following way:

  • During the first 3 days of leave, the employee will not receive any pay.
  • From the 4th day onwards, they are entitled to sick pay, although it may be subject to a cap.

Paternity Leave

The Employer of record in Chile can make the payment of the paternity service consisting of 5 days. In the same way, after week 7 of the birth, the mother can choose to transfer part or all of her maternity leave to the father.

Paternal Leave

The PEO in Chile can pay for 10 days of parental leave for a child under 18 years of age. However, you will need to make up the time off received on another date after the leave.

Other Leave

The Employer of Record in Chile can handle any type of payment, including bereavement leave that consists of 3 days. This is in the event of the death of a close family member.

Maternity Leave in Chile

A PEO Services in Chile calculates the payment of this leave, which consists of 18 weeks of maternity leave. However, this leave is divided into 6 weeks of paid prenatal leave and 12 weeks of paid postnatal leave. Also, after those 12 weeks, the employee may request a leave for the same amount of time.

In addition, during pregnancy, the employee is not obliged to carry out any activity that endangers her health. Therefore, if this is part of her job, the employer must reassign her to another position without reducing her salary. Also, during pregnancy and 18 months after giving birth, the company can only terminate her contract with the authorization of a labor court.

This paternity and maternity leave is paid for by the government or the company's insurance provider.

There are 217 leave throughout the year.

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